About Me

GradPhotoEdit Hello! My name is Rachel and I’ve recently been inducted into the “real world” after having graduated magna cum laude from UC Santa Barbara with a BA in Communication and a minor in Professional Writing (emphasis in Multimedia Communication). Now that I’m officially entering the professional job market, I’m excited to continue investigating the mysterious arts of communication, public relations, multimedia design, and advertising.

But that’s a boring mouthful and a whole lot of jargon–who am I really, you ask? You’ve just stumbled upon the riddle I’ve been trying to solve for the past 22 years. Here’s what I know so far:

I’m a writer, artist, and Game of Thrones enthusiast who relishes experimenting with the Adobe Creative Suites, traveling to new places, drinking excessive amounts of caffeine, doodling in notebooks meant for other things, and dreaming up marketing strategies for businesses I haven’t started yet.

This summer I will be working at SurfMedia Communications, a public relations firm based in Santa Barbara. I’m always up for a new project, whether it be related to design, PR, or something else entirely. If you’re interested in working together or want to learn more, take a gander at the rest of my site, specifically at my resumeportfolio, and travel blog.